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World’s Largest Green Hydrogen Town in Operation in Ulsan

The Green Hydrogen Town in Ulsan begins operation. The town will generate 2,630,000 kWh of energy, reduce carbon emissions by 991 tons and conserve the energy cost by two thirds.

The world’s largest hydrogen town, built by Ulsan, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and the Korea Energy Management Corporation, will hold an opening ceremony today.

The Korean government, Ulsan city, and the private sector invested KRW 5.2 billion, KRW 1.9 billion and KRW 1.7 billion respectively to begin the construction in August last year. The construction was completed this June.

To increase supply of hydrogen fuel cells to households and industries, 150 fuel cells (195kW), produced by a Korean fuel cell manufacturer, were installed in the town.

Fuel cells of different generation capacities were installed at households, gyms, dormitory facilities and public agencies, and the Ulsan Technopark will be in charge of operation to monitor for five years.

Ulsan city plans to establish an exhibition hall in the hydrongen town to increase general public’s understanding of hydrogen. The hall will introduce the hydrogen town, fundamentals of the fuel cells and its applications in the era of hydrogen.

To ensure safety, Ulsan city developed a safety manual with the Korea Gas Safety Corporation and installed fuel cells, supply pipes and gas control system accordingly.

The city also plans to focus on management through regular checks and monitoring.

Ulsan mayor Park Maeng-woo noted that the hydrogen town will enhance the prestige of Ulsan and Korea’s fuel cell industry in the world and contribute to improve consensus for the importance of the industry. He added that Ulsan will endeavor to lead the era of hydrogen by fostering the industry.


Source Text: Newsis (July 9, 2013)

** This article was translated from the Korean.