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200 tons of Ulju Pears to Be Exported

A trade mission from Ulju that aimed to increase pear exports concluded in success.

According to Ulju County yesterday, the trade mission visited Los Angeles, U.S. and New York from last week to increase pear exports.

The trade mission negotiated with Hmart, one of the largest stores in New York and agreed to export 200 tons of pears (KRW 710 million).

Also promotional activities held in Los Angeles, where many Koreans live, were a success.

The county expects that most products will be exported to the Unites States, largely contributing to increased household income of farmers.

The trade mission will also endeavor to reinforce competitiveness of Korean pears by promoting their excellence as low-prices pears from China are exported to the United States recently.

Ulju plans to increase the exports by reinforcing promotion. Budget for overseas marketing will be increased to KRW 200 billion next year from KRW 610 million this year.

Vice governor of Ulju County Han Jin-kyu noted that it is difficult to have price competitiveness against China, adding that the county will search for measures to reduce production cost by supporting farmers on the government level to reinforce competitiveness of Ulju pears.

Source Text

Source: Newsis (Oct. 28, 2013)

** This article was translated from the Korean.