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Ulsan reaches its Green Growth Aim

Dr. Lee Sanghyun of Ulsan Development Institute (President: Ha Dongwon) said on 19th during the briefing session of city’s environmental issues that Ulsan has seen an achievement rate of 95.7 percent in its Green Growth Plan Phase 1 (2009~2013). Dr Lee attained the result by analyzing Ulsan’s current data of Green Growth performance indicators.

The Korean government and the city of Ulsan have joined together to propose green growth as a new paradigm of government policies in order to tackle major environmental crisis such as climate change and energy crisis.

The city proposed ‘Ecopolis Ulsan, Leading Low Carbon Emission and Green Growth’ as city’s vision, and established 10 policy directions and total of 115 business plans. Among those 115 business plans, total of 110 are being carried out or completed, which helped Ulsan to reach 95.7 percent of achievement rate.

Among key performance indicators of Green Growth Plan Phase 1 (2009~2013), number of households participating in carbon point systems, constructions of urban forest and bike lanes, and the amount of green R&D investment exceed the initial target amount.

Impressive outcomes were also achieved in water flow rate (99%) and rate of supply of city gas (97.7%).

The city’s strong intention to achieve new growth power, an attempt to connect the existing environmental projects (Ecopolis Ulsan Project, Ulsan Mid-term Project for Environment Protection, and Taehwa river Master Plan) with green growth plans, and the formation of low-carbon Green City attributed to the success of Green Growth Plan Phase 1.

“Green Growth plans lost attention after new government came to power because of new policies such as ‘Creative Economy’, key strategies of green growth plans such as preparation for climate change, reduction of greenhouse gases, and job creation are included in the government’s assignments. The government is required to establish the second phase of green growth plans and management of strategies and performances of related cities.” Dr. Lee said.

Source Text

Source: Newsis (Nov. 19, 2013)

** This article was translated from the Korean.