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Ulju to Subsidy 17 Local Businesses to Attract More Investment
(ULJU = Newsis) Ulsan’s Ulju held “Ulju business support committee” on 17 December to select candidates for subsidy among the companies that seek to relocate, expand and establish businesses within the region.

The plan was announced on 1 September, and a total of 19 companies submitted the business plans.

The committee thoroughly examined the business plans submitted by the applicants and decided the 17 final candidates for subsidy. Two other companies were not up to the relevant standards and therefore excluded from the list.

A total of KRW 136 billion will be invested in 17 companies by 2016.

Ulju will provide subsidy up to KRW 2 billion within the range of 10 to 20 percent of the total investment if the businesses complete the investment according to the business plans and submit the supporting documents to Ulju office.

Source Text

Source: Newsis (Dec. 17, 2013)

** This article was translated from the Korean.