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Ulsan Establishes 2025 Urban Regeneration Strategy Plan

(ULSAN=NEWSIS) Ulsan announced December 16 that it will establish a comprehensive and systematic 2025 Ulsan City Regeneration Strategy Plan in accordance with the Special Act on the Promotion and Support of Urban Regeneration.

The future tasks of the plan include the goal and scope of the plan, measures to achieve the goal, analysis on the deterioration of the city and its social, economic and cultural conditions and details on promoting urban regeneration.

The city will also prepare measures for urban regeneration support center and residents consultative group, plans for financing including government financing and attracting private investment and plans for achieving the minimum standard for basic living infrastructure.

The city will use the plan as the foundation for establishing policies related to all kinds of urban regeneration.

"We hope the visions, goals and strategies for urban regeneration will help to promote urban regeneration in Ulsan and improve its competitiveness and quality of living," said a city official.

Source Text

Source: Newsis (December. 16, 2014)

** This article was translated from the Korean.