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Ulsan Holds Future Automobile Industry Development Forum

According to Yonhap News,

(ULSAN=Yonhap News) Ulsan City held the Future Automobile Industry Development Forum on March 30 at the automobile parts technology research center of the Ulsan Technopark.

The forum was held to find the future growth engine for the regional automobile industry and suggest a technology road map to preoccupy the future automobile technology.

The automobile industry in Ulsan is in a relatively good hand compared to its other core industries. However, since it is expected that the new production facilities will be built in overseas locations, it would be difficult to attract additional investment in the region.

Therefore, the city held the forum to discuss core tasks and share opinions in order to lead the core technologies of future vehicles including green cars, develop new products and proactively pioneer the new market.

The city announced the directions for the government’s eco-friendly vehicle policies, trends of domestic and foreign eco-friendly vehicle technologies and plans to develop the future automobile industry of the region.

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Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (March 30, 2015)

** This article was translated from the Korean.