(A) Where a company’s provisions on severance benefit payment define the severance
multiplier for individual
employees instead of groups of employees, such provisions
shall not be considered ‘provisions on severance
benefits to executives stipulated by
the articles of incorporation’ as prescribed by Article 44 (4) of the
Decree of the Corporate Tax Act. Where the severance multiplier is set higher for
executives who are special related parties without a justifiable cause, the
provisions on repudiation of wrongful
calculation under Article 52 of the Corporate
Tax Act shall apply.
Source: National Tax Service (May 26, 2017)
(A) A company newly established through a split-off subtracted the liabilities transferred
from the parent company
and the capital of the split-off company from the amount
of assets transferred by the parent company. The
amount was then reduced in
accordance with Article 461-2 of the Commercial Act and paid out as dividend to
the parent company. In this case, the amount of such dividend shall not be included
in gross income when
calculating the income of the parent company for each
business year, in accordance with Article 18 Item 8 of
the Corporate Tax Act.
Source: National Tax Service (Jun. 26, 2017)