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Invest KOREA Bulletin October 2013
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We've compiled a list of recent new investors in Korea

Foreign Company News, IK News, Regional FDI News, Korea News...
- STATS ChipPAC Korea to Establish R&D Center in Yeongjong Island
- KOTRA, ECCK Introduce Grow Together
- Jilin Sky-Scenery and S Foods Invest in Foodpolis
- Korea's FDI Ranked 13th in the World Last Year

A Creative Economy Through the High Value-Added Tourism Industry
With high value-added tourism, Korea is poised to become one of the world's top tourism destinations

Innovation Central
The Kimberly-Clark Global Innovation Center Korea connects the dots between industries and ideas to meet changing consumer needs

Investing in an Ever-Growing Market
With changing customer needs, DuPont Korea continues to innovate in new areas

Putting the Spotlight on Ordinary Wages

The Foreign Investment Ombudsman has been actively voicing concerns about an issue that could significantly affect foreign-invested companies: ordinary wages

Recent Changes to Cartel Leniency Program in Korea

An Introduction to the Investment Information Team

Tax Incentives for Foreign Engineers
Experts from the Investment Consulting Center tackle your frequently asked questions, one inquiry at a time

Chungbuk Free Economic Zone

Korea's economic indicators at a glance, plus a notable number of the month
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