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Gyeonggi, excellent transportation infrastructure and customized support services Go to Local Regions Site

  • Key Industries

    Bio-healthcare, Artificial Intelligence, Big-data, Media/ content, Semiconductor, Materials-parts

    • Population


    • Number of  Companies

      Number of Companies

    • Employees


    • Amount of Production

      397.5 *unit: one billion dollars

New Industrial Innovation and Growth Hub for the Future

Gyeonggi Free Economic Zone (GGFEZ) is located in the center of the West Coast Economic Belt. GGFEZ consists of three zones: Pyeongtaek Poseung (BIX) Zone and Hyeondeok Zone for high-tech, logistics, and distribution industries; and Siheung Baegot Zone for R&D of land, sea, and unmanned aerial vehicles. Visit Website
As the center of
Northeast Asia, Gyeonggi

As the center of Northeast Asia, Gyeonggi Province provides a friendly investment environment that can promote business activities in China and other countries. The province also provides excellent transportation infrastructure and customized support services for companies to efficiently and successfully promote business activities.


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