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[Healthcare] Korea's Healthcare Industry Set to Take a Big Leap Forward through AI and Bio Convergence

Current Status and Outlook of the Domestic and Global Bio Healthcare Market, Centered on AI Diagnostic Solutions

Countries around the world are growing more burdened by healthcare finance, as developed countries face a rapid aging of their population and expensive drugs are widely prescribed. The shortage of medical personnel, which the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted as a major issue, has also led to the emergence of AI1)-based medical diagnostic solutions as an alternative to better manage chronic diseases and introduce early diagnosis systems. AI is used in medicine to detect and diagnose diseases more accurately, develop personalized therapies, diagnose and validate medical images, improve clinical trial efficiency, and develop drug combinations and new drugs. AI in medicine is expected to bring benefits such as precise treatment tailored to each patient, reduced diagnostic errors, reduced treatment costs, and increased engagement between doctors and patients.

While research agencies provide different projections depending on the analyzed timeframe and the market size, their analyses of the common timeframe show that the global healthcare AI market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 40% over the next five years. By areas of application, Markets and Markets study (2023) shows that patient data and list analytics accounted for the biggest share with a market size of USD 2.94 billion in 2023, followed by precision medicine (USD 2.23 billion) and medical research (USD 1.99 billion)2).
.AI in the Global Healthcare: Market Size and outlook
글로벌 의료 AI 시장 규모와 전망
Research agency Market size Outlook CAGR
Fortune Business Insights USD 19.54 billion (2023) USD 27.69 billion (2024) →USD 490.96 billion (2032) 43.2% (’24~’32)
Markets and Markets USD 15.8 billion (2023) USD 15.8 billion (2023) → USD 181.7 billion(2030) 41.8% (’23~’30)
Precedence Research USD 19.27 billion (2023) USD 26.69 billion (2024) → USD 613.81 billion (2034) 36.83% (’24~’34)
Technavio USD 7.68 billion(2023) USD 7.68 billion(2023) → USD 28.02 billion (2028) 29.5% (’23~’28)
Future Market Insights USD 7 billion (2021) USD 7 billion (2021) → USD 181.8 billion (2032) 38.5% (’21~’32)
* Source: Compiled by KIET based on collected market data
By region, North America (USD 72 billion) is expected to account for the largest share of the AI in healthcare market by 2030, followed by Asia (USD 49.4 billion) and Europe (USD 31 billion). However, Asia is expected to grow the fastest, with a CAGR of 47.9% from 2023 to 2030. Among Asian countries, South Korea's AI in healthcare market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 50.8% from USD 0.37 billion in 2023 to USD 6.67 billion in 2030, exceeding the global average (41.8%) and outpacing the Asian average (47.9%). In fact, South Korea is home to leading providers of AI technologies for medical image analysis, such as Lunit, Vuno, Deep Bio, and NTL Healthcare, which are thriving by applying for patents and expanding into overseas markets such as the US and the EU.
AI in Healthcare: Market Size and Outlook by Application Area
(Unit: USD billion %)
적용 분야에 따른 AI헬스케어의 시장 규모 및 전망
Type 2023 2030 GARG(’23~’30)
Patient data and risk analysis 29.4 304.9 39.7%
Precision medicine 22.3 278.2 43.4%
Medical research 19.9 201.9 39.2%
Medical imaging and diagnosis 19.6 181.7 37.5%
New drug development 17.1 209.1 43.0%
Lifestyle management and monitoring 16.8 232.6 45.6%
Medical treatment and hospital management 12.9 167.2 44.2%
Robot surgery and support 10.2 149.2 46.7%
Others 9.5 92.7 38.5%
* Source: Compiled based on Markets and Markets (2023) and KPMG Korea (2024) data
AI Medical Image Analysis Technology and Patent Application Around the World, Sorted by Nationality of Patent Applicants
(Unit : Case)
의료영상 분석 AI 기술, 출원인 국적별 특허출원 동향
Nationality 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Sum CAGR(’16~’20)
China 83 245 625 1,071 1,383 3,407 102.0%
USA 120 232 276 390 477 1,495 41.2%
South Korea 29 62 190 280 407 968 93.6%
Japan 30 84 166 343 273 896 73.7%
Germany 55 72 99 117 88 431 12.5%
Others 28 81 195 252 318 874 83.6%
Total 345 776 1,551 2,453 2,946 8,071 70.9%
Source: KPMG Korea (2024)

Korean Government's Policy to Foster the High-Tech Bio Industry

In April 2024, the South Korean government announced the “High-Tech Bio Initiative” to strengthen the bio value chain by “innovating technologies” and “laying the foundation” with the goal of becoming a global bio powerhouse by converging digital and bio technologies and innovating bio manufacturing.

As a follow-up to the Strategy for Creating a New Bio Health Market (announced on February 28, 2023), the government announced the 1st Master Plan for Fostering and Supporting the Medical Device Industry (2023-2027) in April 2023 to achieve the goal of becoming a top exporter of medical devices. In particular, the selection of AI in medicine as one of the three promising technologies to be fostered demonstrates that the government is committed to making the country’s AI in medicine industry more competitive around the world by supporting active technology development and market creation.
첨단바이오 이니셔티브를 설명하는 표
Vision Become a Global Bio Powerhouse by 2035 through Convergence of Digital and Bio Technologies and Bio Manufacturing Innovation
Direction Combine homegrown innovation-based technologies and high-quality data to create a next-generation service platform and strengthen the bio value chain that will deliver tangible values
Main Tasks ① For technological innovation
⯈ Digital bio sector development
⯈ Bio manufacturing innovation
⯈ Bio-medical innovation
⯈ Finding solutions to common human challenges
② For laying the foundation
⯈ Key talent and industry ecosystem
⯈ Research and digital infrastructure
⯈ Global network for cooperation
⯈Legal and institutional framework and regulatory reform
* Source: High-Tech Bio Initiative, jointly released by government ministries on April 25, 2024
1st Master Plan for Fostering and Supporting the Medical Device Industry (2023-2027)
제1차 의료기기산업 육성·지원 종합계획을 설명하는 표
Vision Becoming a top medical device exporter to promote public health and lead high-tech industries
Goals ① Joining the ranks of top 5 global medical device exporters
② Investing in R&D and fostering export-oriented medical device makers
③ Increasing the domestic use of high-quality homegrown medical devices
④Creating specialized jobs in the medical device industry
Four Main Strategies ⯈ R&D : Expanding strategic R&D investment fit for the post-pandemic era and new paradigms
⯈ Clinical demonstration: Revitalizing the use of homegrown medical devices after demonstration in domestic and international clinical trials
⯈ Global expansion: Expanding markets by providing support tailored to each country and region
⯈ Institutional/innovation ecosystem: Refining regulations to facilitate themarket entry of innovative technologies and creating ecosystems
*Source: 1st Five-Year Master Plan for Fostering and Supporting the Medical Device Industry, MOHW, April 4, 2023

Korean AI in Medicine Companies Going Global

Not many foreign direct investments were made in South Korean developers of AI-supported cancer diagnosis solutions. However, several leading companies have joined the Cancer Moonshot Project led by the Biden administration or provided their medical solutions to the US, EU, Asia, the Middle East, and other parts of the world. In fact, many have partnered with leading global medical device makers and diagnostics solution providers such as GE Healthcare, Philips, Fujifilm, and Guardant Health, being recognized for their technological competitiveness in the global market.
South Korean AI in Medicine Companies Going Global
최근 의료AI 기업의 해외 진출 사례를 설명하는 표
Company name Lunit NTL Healthcare Deep Bio
Area of specialty Breast and lung cancer Cervical cancer image reading Prostate and breast cancer diagnosis
EU, USA (Cancer Moonshot), Japan, Saudi Arabia, etc. Vietnam, Thailand, USA (CancerX), etc. Morocco, USA (CancerX)
* Source: Compiled by KIET by combining MOTIE and MOHW press releases and media coverages
1) AI in medicine refers to using AI-supported hardware or software, including machine learning, neuro-linguistic programming, deep learning and robot process automation, for the purpose of providing and improving patient care, including diagnosis, treatment and results.(IBM website, “What is artificial intelligence in medicine?”(accessed on Aug 20,2024), Coursera(2024), “AI in Health Care: Applications, Benefits, and Examples”, May 24.)
2) MarketsandMarkets(2023), “Artificial Intelligence(AI) Market”

By Ji-Eun Jung(
Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade(KIET)

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