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Gyeonggi Autonomous Driving Center: Creating a Sustainable Autonomous Driving Ecosystem

The Gyeonggi Autonomous Driving Center (GADC) is the operating organization of Pangyo Zero City (autono- mous driving experimental complex), located in Pangyo Techno Valley 1 and 2. This center collects data and develops mobility services for residents by providing empirical support for autonomous vehicle companies. Also, the GADC contributes to the creation of a public autonomous driving system in the country by promoting Gyeonggi-do and Industry-Academia-Research Institute.


  • An autonomous driving experimental complex in Pangyo Techno Valley 2 based on an open platform is under construction, where autonomous vehicles and related technologies such as AI will be tested (November 2016 - December 2021)
  • As part of the autonomous-vehicle infrastructure completed (Pangyo Techno Valley 2, Zone 1 in November 2018, and Pangyo Techno Valley 1 in April 2019), the GADC was established to operate and manage the autonomous driving experimental complex.

Center Overview

  • Center name: Gyeonggi-do Autonomous Driving Center
  • Opening date : 2019. 5. 31.
  • Business location: Gyeonggi Business Growth Center (B1, 2nd and 9th floor) in Pangyo Techno Valley 2
  • Operation method: Consignment by the Advanced Institute of Convergence Technology (January 2019 - December 2021)
    - Under the agreement, a new organization under the Institute of Convergence Technology, dedicated to the operation of the experimental complex was established (GADC, March 15, 1993)

                                                                                      Source :Gyeonggi Autonomous Driving Center

Main Functions of the Gyeonggi-do Autonomous Driving Center

  • Managing the Pangyo autonomous driving experimental complex
    - Management of the autonomous driving infrastructure such as IoT facilities and V2X infrastructure in Pangyo Techno Valley 1, 2
  • Operating the integrated control center and data center
    - Support autonomous driving demonstration test and monitoring, and collect and manage driving big data
    * Create a test environment for autonomous vehicles and sensors on the general roads in the Pangyo Techno Valley 1, 2
  • Operational support for autonomous vehicle startups
    - Recruit autonomous vehicle startups and provide research space, supporting technology development
    * Promote the development and commercialization of prototypes of autonomous vehicles by supporting tenant companies
  • Operating of the Gyeonggi-do self-driving car “Zero Shuttle”
    - Operate the Zero Shuttle as a public platform to test and evaluate the technology and design the next model of ZERO-shuttle

Guide for Tenant Companies in the Gyeonggi Autonomous Driving Center

1. Spatial information (autonomous vehicles and integrated control center

5. Security (integrated control center, IoT, etc.)

2. Embedded (autonomous vehicles and IoT)

6. Big data and data processing (integrated control center)

3. Vehicle control (autonomous vehicles)

7. Service platform (integrated control center, infrastructure)

4. UX/UI (autonomous vehicles and service infrastructure)

8. Electric vehicle infrastructure (service infrastructure)

  • Criteria
    - Companies that fulfill the requirements for permission to enter Pangyo Techno Valley 2
    - Startups in the autonomous driving industry, which must be established within 10 years (as of the announcement date)
    ※ Startups must be small and medium-sized businesses and established within 7 years as of now
    - Corporate companies running their business inside the metropolitan area, based on the location of the head office (as of the announcement date)
    - Companies related to autonomous vehicle technology
  • Benefits for tenant companies
    - Startups can move into the Gyeonggi Autonomous Driving Center at a lower cost than the market price.
    - Supporting facilities: Co-working lab, PR hall (installation and operation of PR booths in the center‘s PR hall)
    - Various support programs to foster autonomous vehicle companies

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