The Gyeonggi Autonomous Driving Center (GADC) is the operating organization of Pangyo Zero City (autono-
mous driving experimental complex), located in Pangyo Techno Valley 1 and 2. This center collects data and develops mobility services for residents by providing empirical support for autonomous vehicle companies. Also, the GADC contributes to the creation of a public autonomous driving system in the country by promoting Gyeonggi-do and Industry-Academia-Research Institute.
- An autonomous driving experimental complex in Pangyo Techno Valley 2 based on an open platform is under construction, where autonomous vehicles and related technologies such as AI will be tested (November 2016 - December 2021)
- As part of the autonomous-vehicle infrastructure completed (Pangyo Techno Valley 2, Zone 1 in November 2018, and Pangyo Techno Valley 1 in April 2019), the GADC was established to operate and manage the autonomous driving experimental complex.
Center Overview
- Center name: Gyeonggi-do Autonomous Driving Center
- Opening date : 2019. 5. 31.
- Business location: Gyeonggi Business Growth Center (B1, 2nd and 9th floor) in Pangyo Techno Valley 2
- Operation method: Consignment by the Advanced Institute of Convergence Technology
(January 2019 - December 2021)
- Under the agreement, a new organization under the Institute of Convergence Technology, dedicated to the operation of the experimental complex was established (GADC, March 15, 1993)
Main Functions of the Gyeonggi-do Autonomous Driving Center
- Managing the Pangyo autonomous driving experimental complex
- Management of the autonomous driving infrastructure such as IoT facilities and V2X infrastructure in Pangyo Techno Valley 1, 2 - Operating the integrated control center and data center
- Support autonomous driving demonstration test and monitoring, and collect and manage driving big data
* Create a test environment for autonomous vehicles and sensors on the general roads in the Pangyo Techno Valley 1, 2 - Operational support for autonomous vehicle startups
- Recruit autonomous vehicle startups and provide research space, supporting technology development
* Promote the development and commercialization of prototypes of autonomous vehicles by supporting tenant companies - Operating of the Gyeonggi-do self-driving car “Zero Shuttle”
- Operate the Zero Shuttle as a public platform to test and evaluate the technology and design the next model of ZERO-shuttle
Guide for Tenant Companies in the Gyeonggi Autonomous Driving Center
1. Spatial information (autonomous vehicles and integrated control center |
5. Security (integrated control center, IoT, etc.) |
2. Embedded (autonomous vehicles and IoT) |
6. Big data and data processing (integrated control center) |
3. Vehicle control (autonomous vehicles) |
7. Service platform (integrated control center, infrastructure) |
4. UX/UI (autonomous vehicles and service infrastructure) |
8. Electric vehicle infrastructure (service infrastructure) |
- Criteria
- Companies that fulfill the requirements for permission to enter Pangyo Techno Valley 2
- Startups in the autonomous driving industry, which must be established within 10 years (as of the announcement date)
※ Startups must be small and medium-sized businesses and established within 7 years as of now
- Corporate companies running their business inside the metropolitan area, based on the location of the head office (as of the announcement date)
- Companies related to autonomous vehicle technology - Benefits for tenant companies
- Startups can move into the Gyeonggi Autonomous Driving Center at a lower cost than the market price.
- Supporting facilities: Co-working lab, PR hall (installation and operation of PR booths in the center‘s PR hall)
- Various support programs to foster autonomous vehicle companies