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KOTRA Sets up 'Help Desks' for Japanese Firms
제목 없음 Korea's state-run trade promotion agency said Wednesday that it has set up "help desks" at its Korea Business Centers in Japan to assist Japanese firms facing difficulties from last week's devastating earthquake and tsunami.

Korea Business Centers, or KBCs, are originally designed to help South Korean firms operating in foreign countries.

"Help desks at KBCs will primarily work to assist Japanese companies as part of our efforts to share the grief and pain of our neighboring country," the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency or KOTRA said in a press release.

They will first send out condolence letters to the country's key business partners in Japan and work to identify difficulties facing the Japanese companies, especially when dealing with their South Korean partners, it said.

In addition, the business centers in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya and Fukuoka will work to identify emergency relief items that are most needed in each area and supply them from South Korea if necessary.

Source: Yonhap News (March 16, 2011)

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