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Export Fair to be Held in Germany this September
제목 없음

The Federal Association of Korean Business in Europe said on July 19 that it will invite Korean companies and hold the 7th export fair in Duseldorf, Germany from September 24 to 38.

Bang Jun-hyuk, head of the association, said that the fair aims to find new buyers and expand export markets for Korean SMEs, adding that the fair wll be joined by 300 people including Korean business people and local buyers.

The association plans to attract buyers, arrange consulting sessions, and provide interpretation and follow-up services for Korean companies.

Companies that would like to participate can apply by August 20, and contact 070-7807-4972(Korea), 49-211-404413(Germany) or for more details.

Source: Yonhap News (July 19, 2011)

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