1.7 M items in 14 types of Information for Entry into International Market, designated as
National Core Data, became available on Open Data Portal
Contribute to addressing the needs for overseas market information, a foundation for Korean companies' globalization, in cooperation with MOIS and NISA
On February 26, KOTRA announced that it made public the Information for Entry into International Market via Open Data Portal (www.data.go.kr) for free of charge. The released data was selected as National Core Data in 2018, endorsed by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety (MOIS) and National Information Society Agency.
The Information for Entry into International Market is about 1.7 million items of 14 types. More details are as follows: △ 72,000 data items on country Information and overseas market news △ 24,000 data items on global competence level test △ 680,000 data items on trade and investment consultation with domestic companies △ 910,000 overseas market data items. This useful data has been collected and held by KOTRA.
In particular, “Country Information” on KOTRA Overseas Market News Portal (news.kotra.or.kr), containing all-inclusive business information by country, will be available in open API format for better usability. The latest country information will be made available successively on KOTRA’s website by the end of February, NAVER encyclopedia, among others. The open API will be accessible after making request through Open Data Portal.
With the data being classified as Category 1 under the Korea Open Government License (KOGL), barring a few exceptions, it is allowed to use the data for profit making purpose or second adaptation, if the source is clearly indicated as KOTRA. The private sector is encouraged take advantage of this open data freely in developing Apps or new business services.
KOTRA Overseas Market News Portal, a treasury house of overseas market information, has been revised as well. Users are able to access region or industry information of their interest in a customized way. In addition, downloading only the necessary information in PDF format has been made possible thanks to newly adopted “Repository” function, leading to improved user convenience.
Executive Vice President Lee Min-ho for Trade Support Infrastructure said, “KOTRA will be enhancing communication with SMEs through Open Data Portal (www.data.go.kr) and Overseas Market News Portal (news.kotra.or.kr). By doing so, we will continue to improve data, with a focus on those frequently used by the business, while refining ease of use.”
Source : KOTRA (February 27, 2019)