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Foreign invested Companies Job Fair

KOTRA to host 'Foreign Invested Companies Job Fair' offline for two days starting on October 21
108 global foreign-invested companies such as BMW, IKEA, GE Healthcare, and Korea 3M to participate

'Foreign invested Companies Job Fair', hosted by the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy, and organized by KOTRA is to be open at SETEC, Gangnam-gu, Seoul for two days starting on October 21. This year marks its 16th anniversary, and it is a representative event in Korea in terms of scale and recognition as a job fair for foreign-invested companies.

Last year, the Job Fair was held only online. This year, however, it will be held in a hybrid format, available both online and offline. It sought to make the most use of the offline mode, in which active communications through face-to-face counseling can be made, and the online mode, in which numerous job-seekers can participate without being restricted by locations.

108 excellent foreign-invested companies, including BMW, IKEA, GE Healthcare, and Korea's 3M, will participate in the Job Fair. 37 companies in manufacturing/production/R&D, 25 in media and service, 14 in finance and banking, and others from 7 industries will be hiring in various fields such as management/office, sales/customer service, and R&D/design. In addition to Fortune 500 global companies, globally competitive companies, though somewhat unfamiliar to job seekers, will also participate. Details of job duties and requirements can be found on the website, and job-seekers can submit resumes online in advance.

A HR manager from Legoland Korea Resort, which is participating in the Job Fair for the first time, said, “As we're planned to open Legoland Resort on Children’s Day next year, we expect to have a lot of meetings with qualified talents that we're looking for". Nestle Korea, which participated in the Job Fair every year, has made various efforts to improve the employment-related situations of young people. An official from the company's recruitment team said, "It was held only online last year. But as it will be held online again this year, we plan to actively secure excellent talents on site."

Shwan Jang, Head of KOTRA Invest Korea, said, "As it will be held offline this year, we expect it will serve as a good opportunity for job-seekers and foreign-invested companies to meet," adding "we will keep making efforts to generate quality jobs, making most use of foreign investment attraction."

The Job Fair participation application can be made on the website of 'Foreign-Invested Companies Job Fair' ( and inquiries can be directed to KOTRA Foreign Firm Employment Support Team (02-3460-7876/7846).

Source: Invest KOREA (October 12, 2021)

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