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KOTRA breaks down foreign investment from A to Z

A Book Cover of the 2023 Foreign Investment Guide

KOTRA published the "2023 Foreign Investment Guide" on Mar. 20.
From entity setup to business management..."aiming to lower the investment barrier in Korea by offering systematic information on work."

KOTRA (President Yu Jeong-yeol) published the 2023 Foreign Investment Guide (hereinafter "the Guide"). The Guide provides up-to-date information about the whole stages of foreign investment, including △the establishment of legal entity △information on location △incentives such as tax relief, △personnel and labor system, and business management.

KOTRA's Foreign Investor Support Office (FISO) has released annual editions of the Guide since 2011, and the booklet has positioned itself as a basic guidebook for foreign investors.

The booklets are scheduled to be published in Korean, English, Chinese, and Japanese, and distributed to companies after consulting with individual municipalities, Free Economic Zone Authorities, and official residences in Korea. Also, the PDF version of the Guide is available to download free of charge from the KOTRA's Invest Korea* website (

* The National institution dedicated to foreign investment promotion

Lee Kyeong-shik, head of KOTRA's FISCO, expressed his thoughts by saying, "We expect that foreign investors can make decisions more easily  and expand their move in terms of investing in Korea."

Source: Invest KOREA (Mar. 21, 2023)

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