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  • AMCHAM Business Roundtable
    • Date : 2019.06.27
    • Views : 1228

The Office of the Foreign Investment Ombudsman is organizing a business roundtable with AMCHAM Korea.


To build a cooperative business relationship and promote communication, the Office of the Foreign Investment Ombudsman and AMCHAM Korea have arranged the event as an extension of "Washington Doorknock".



[Summary of Event]



- Title of Event : AMCHAM Business Roundtable

- Date : June 28th, 2019 / 12:00~13:00

- Venue : Grand Hyatt Hotel Seoul

- Organized by : The Office of the Foreign Investment Ombudsman, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, AMCHAM Korea

- Participants : Foreign-invested companies from the U.S.

- Program










Welcoming Remark by the chairman of AMCHAM


Opening Speech by the Minister for Trade of MOTIE






 Closing Remark by the chariman of AMCHAM and Minister for Trade of MOTIE