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  • [COVID-19] Korean Government to Form Travel Bubbles with COVID19 Safe Countries
    • Date : 2021.06.10
    • Views : 632

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism along with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport announced that the Korean government is discussing travel bubble agreements with countries that are rather safely managing COVID-19.


This action is part of the government’s efforts to revive the aviation and travel industry and to accelerate Korea’s inoculation pace. Travel bubble agreements indicate that quarantine duties of travelers from agreed parties will be waivered, and, in the first phase of the travel bubble scheme in Korea, it is expected that only agency-arranged group tours will be allowed for fully vaccinated people.


Discussions for forming travel bubbles is at the early stage, so the detailed matters would be different by which country Korea is making an agreement. It is expected that more details and guidelines will be decided and updated in July after follow-up negotiations with countries of trust in quarantine such as Singapore.