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  • [COVID-19] Korea to exempt people vaccinated overseas from 14 days of quarantine requirement
    • Date : 2021.06.14
    • Views : 787

In Jun 13, the Korean government announced that they are going to exempt those fully vaccinated from overseas countries from 14 days of quarantine duty, in the same manner with people fully vaccinated within Korea. 

Starting on July 1st, the aforementioned exemption will be granted for inbound travels to visit family, or for the purpose of business, academics or public interest, and some travelers from countries with major outbreaks or variants will not be allowed to skip the quarantine.


The term ‘fully vaccinated’ indicates the following condition; received all the recommended inoculation*, depart for Korea after 14 days of the vaccination completion, and entering Korea afterward. 
  * receiving 2-does in a series or a single dose vaccine


For more information please visit the website of the Ministry of Health and Welfare;