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  • Inquiry Regarding Application of Quota Tariffs on Corn Imported for Production of Lysine
    • 담당부서 : 외투기업고충처리실
    • 조회수 : 4,323
  • Organization : Ministry of Commerce
  • Regulation : MAF notice 2006-76 relating to agro-livestock market access volume related tax concessions and impor
Company A once imported sugar cane for use in production of lysine, but due to the rise in sugar prices, decided to replace sugar cane with corn. They then developed the technology needed for conversion into lysine.

If the company imports corn, they will not be eligible for quota tax and tax concession resulting in 328% rise in taxes. Such a rise would make production of lysine prohibitive leading to a complete shut down in production.

Company A asked OIO representatives to explain the situation and request that the notification be amendment be changed to allow for application of tariff quotas/ and tax concessions on corn imported for production of lysine on a national basis.

Resoultion and Results
Resolution and Results
The Ministry of Commerce Industry and Energy examined the cases, acknowledged the need for amendment and passed it on to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) for review.

The MAF accepted the proposal and agreed to rescind the tax as of December 29, 2006 in accordance with MAF notice 2006-76 relating to agro-livestock market access volume related tax concessions and import requests)