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  • Proposal to Include Imported Second-hand Copy Machines Again in the List Subject to Customs Inspecti
    • 담당부서 : 외투기업고충처리실
    • 조회수 : 2,301
  • Organization : Korea Customs Service
  • Regulation : Notification to designate items subject to customs inspection and verify them under the Article 226
•Backgrounds: The Ombudsman Office received management grievances from major foreign-invested copy machine manufacturers in Korea about rising importation of illegal second-hand copy machines, an issue that has not been resolved for a long time.

•Main issue: The notification of designating items subject to customs inspection and verifying methods under the Article 226 of Customs Act, revised on January 14, 2011, did not include "second-hand" copy machines.

•Request: A request for practical measures was made to regulate second-hand copy machines that are illegally imported and distributed in Korea without receiving safety inspections.

Resoultion and Results
Resolution and Results
•Resolution: System improvement is needed to include "safety inspection for second-hand copy machines" in the notification of KCS by revising the 'notification for designating items subject to customs inspection and verifying methods under the Article 226 of Customs Act'.

•Resolution Process
‣(Feb. 16, 2011) The 1st meeting with foreign-invested companies was held.
‣(May 3, 2011) The 2nd meeting with foreign-invested companies was held.
‣(Oct. 17, 2011) A Home Doctor visited Clearance Panning Division of KCS and recommended revision of the relevant notification.

• Results
‣(Dec. 26, 2011) The revised version was reflected in notification No. 2011-53, KCS.
‣(Jan. 4, 2012) The Home Doctor in charge of the matter reported the results and had a follow-up meeting.