•Resolution ‣(December 6, 2012) At a meeting with Foreign-invested Companies in Seoul City presided by the Foreign Investment Ombudsman, Company I requested active assistance to resolve its grievance.
‣(May 7, 2012) The Ombudsman office visited Seoul City Hall, explained the grievance of Company I, and requested active cooperation of the city. Seoul city agreed to introduce the issue to the Urban Planning Committee meeting.
‣(March 21, 2012) The issue was introduced at the Urban Planning Committee meeting, but the Committee decided to conduct an on-site investigation on the concerned area in addition to document review because safety issue had emerged after the landslide of Mt. Umyeon.
‣(April 4, 2012) The Committee finally gave approval through reintroduction of the issue.
Outcome: •Result: Company I can now apply for receiving construction authorization of the Seodaemun-gu office. |