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  • Improve System related to Seoul Metropolitan Government Ordinance on Outdoor Advertisements Control
    • 담당부서 : 외투기업고충처리실
    • 조회수 : 2,254
  • Organization : Seoul City Hall, Ministry of Public Administration and Security
  • Regulation : Seoul Metropolitan Government Ordinance on Outdoor Advertisements Control
•Backgrounds: Seoul Metropolitan Government Ordinance on Outdoor Advertisements Control uniformly regulated signboards to prevent them from becoming too big or too many. But it also hindered creative business activities of multinational fashion distributors like Company G. (Grievance received on January 6, 2012)

•Main Issue: Different districts in Seoul had different rules, and the Ordinance uniformly applied regulations (one signboard per one store, less than 45cm long) regardless of the size of stores, failing to meet the international standards.

Resoultion and Results
Resolution and Results
•Resolution: The regulation had nothing to do with its original purpose of pursuing aesthetic beauty, and should be revised to enable multinational companies' creative business activities with advertisements that meet the global standards.

•Resolution Process
‣(Dec. 29, 2011) The 275th Regulatory Reform Committee meeting, presided by the Foreign Investment Ombudsman, was held to deliberate on the Enforcement Decree of the Outdoor Advertisements, etc. Control Act, where the Ombudsman requested that the Ministry of Public Administration and Security and the Seoul Metropolitan Government revise the Ordinance by taking the current situation into account to come up with reasonable measures.

‣A Home Doctor visited Seoul Metropolitan Government on Feb. 9, 2012, to consult on system improvement in order to address grievances of multinational distributors about outdoor advertisements.

‣The revised Seoul Metropolitan Government Ordinance on Outdoor Advertisements Control was proposed to the Seoul Metropolitan Council on April 6, 2012, and put to a vote on Sep. 10, 2012.

‣On Sep. 28, 2012, Park Won Soon, mayor of Seoul, announced the ordinance No. 5362, 'Seoul Metropolitan Government Ordinance on Outdoor Advertisements Control'.

•Results: New regulations reflecting most of the requests of the foreign investors now apply to outdoor advertisements throughout Seoul. Up to two outdoor advertisements are allowed per store in commercial, industrial and residential areas. It is meaningful that reasonable management rules were established that satisfy international standards.