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  • Request to Reexamine Standards to Regulate Harmful Substances in Imported Fabric Softner
    • 담당부서 : 외투기업고충처리실
    • 조회수 : 2,161
  • Organization : Korean Agency for Technology and Standards, Ministry of Knowledge Economy
  • Regulation : Safety Self-Assurance Annex
•Backgrounds: A multinational Company E wanted to export fabric softeners produced overseas, but failed to meet the Korea standards regarding organic hazardous substances.

•Main Issue: Among the organic hazardous substances regulated by the Act, benzylisothiazolinone (BIT) found in Company E's products is a preservative widely used in industrial products around the world and not regulated in most of the countries.

•Request: The permissible level of benzylisothiazolinone was 15mg per 1 kilogram, which was too strict to meet the international standards. Therefore the company requested relevant ministry review the regulation.

Resoultion and Results
Resolution and Results
•Resolution: According to the applicable ranges of fabric softeners prescribed by the Safety Self-Assurance Annex, fabric softeners are products added at the last stage of washing clothes to soften fabric or prevent static electricity.

The amount of softener residue left after the laundering is too little to have any impact on human body. Given that the BIT regulations at that time were based on standards applicable to Korean cosmetics or Europe's eco-certified products, they needed change.

•Resolution Process
‣(March 13, 2012) Ombudsman made a request that KATS delete BIT in the provisions regarding standards for organic hazardous substances in fabric softener, or increase the permissible level by reviewing the possibility of using BIT as a preservative.

•Future Assistance Plan: KATS is preparing to pre-announce the revised regulations to increase the permissible level of BIT by considering opinions of experts, consumers, etc, and policy directions of harmful substance safety management for domestically-produced industrial products.