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  • Revise Detailed Standard for Renewable Energy Facility Examination
    • 담당부서 : 외투기업고충처리실
    • 조회수 : 2,692
  • Organization : Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), Korea Asset Management Corporation
  • Regulation : photovoltaic inverter certification technology standard
•Background: As the renewable energy facility examination standards of the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) and KEMCO differ, they cause confusion for foreign companies.

•Main Issue: A foreign company had carried out a project to build a photovoltaic system in buildings, and generated electricity was switched to an alternating current (AC) through an inverter. KEPCO requested a reexamination of the performance of the inverter, which received certification from KEMCO. Thus, the company had to undergo the same performance examination for the same device due to different standards between energy agencies, which created additional costs.

•Request: Due to differences in detailed facility standards between KEPCO and KEMCO, the company had to undertake the examination again, which leads to an institutional problem. Therefore, the company requested that the Ombudsman visit KEMCO and the Renewable Energy Center for system improvement and standardization.

Resoultion and Results
Resolution and Results
•Resolution: The Ombudsman contacted KEMCO and explained the grievance of the company regarding the revision of detailed standards for renewable energy facility examination.

‣Small and Medium-and Large-scale Photovoltaic Inverter (system interconnection /independent type)

•Resolution Process
In the case of a system connection of an electric device, an interconnecting device should be operated in KEPCO’s cable route. Thus, the parties agreed to revise the technical standards on the basis of “The Guideline for Distribution System Connection Technique of Distributed Resources” of KEPCO. The main change includes standardizing the clearing time of a device based on the above standard.

•Results: Revision of photovoltaic inverter certification technology standard was completed. (October 30, 2013)