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  • Grievance related to denial of installation of photovoltaic facility within idle areas
    • 담당부서 : 외투기업고충처리실
    • 조회수 : 1,626
  • Organization : MOTIE
  • Regulation : Foreign Investment Zone Operation Guideline
□ (Background) A company considered ways to raise profitability by supplying power through self-power generation or selling idle power by installing a photovoltaic facility on the roof of a factory with a complex-type FIZ. Yet, the company was informed by the supervisory agency that a company located on rented land cannot install such a facility in accordance with the current rule.

□ (Main Issue) The announcement of not permitting the installation of a power generation facility for self-power supply by using an idle area goes against the government’s policy to facilitate the use of renewable energy. Thus, a need for regulatory improvement was raised.

Resoultion and Results
□ (Resolution Process) The Ombudsman pointed out that a provision about“Other Power Generation Businesse”was included in the Operation Guide on National Industrial Complex and Free Trade Zone, such as Sihwa Multi Techno Valley (MTV), to meet a growing demand for renewable energy, but the types of businesses for Foreign Investment Zones are limited to the advanced, manufacturing and service industries.

□ (Result)
- (Aug. 6, 2014) Suggestion to improve the system was accepted at a meeting on regulatory improvement on August 6, 2014.
- (Aug. 22, 2014) Relevant regulation was revised.
- Article 22-4 (Occupancy of Photovoltaic Power Generators) was newly inserted in the Foreign Investment Zone Operation Guideline.