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  • Goods subject to the approval of the head of Customs under the Radio
    • 담당부서 : 외투기업고충처리실
    • 조회수 : 1,851
  • Organization : Korea Customs Service (KCS), Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP), National Radio Res
  • Regulation : Notification on Designation of Goods Subject to the Approval of the Head of Customs and Approval Met
□ (Background) To receive a radio wave certification for test products, a company needs to visit the National Radio Research Agency (RRA) to submit required documents. As testing to receive product certification takes a lot of time, companies have faced difficulty responding to overseas customers who want prompt service.

□ (Main Issue) For a new product for which overseas customers want certification, the timing of market entry is important, so the certification process needs to be shortened. The company requested that a test product be imported to undergo testing for certification first and that the the radio wave certification from the RRA follow customs clearance. It asked the KCS for flexibility in deciding which items should be approved by the head of the customs house at the time of import.
Resoultion and Results
□ (Resolution Process)
Visited relevant organizations and listened to their positions.
- (Nov. 26, 2014) Meeting with the KCS, MSIP and RRA

□ (Result)
A Notification on Designation of Goods Subject to Approval of the Head of Customs and Approval Methods was revised so that companies whose products have no problem receiving necessary certification after customs clearance can undergo an examination to be registered as a Company Subject to Self-Check, and when a company passes the examination, an exceptional rule will be applied that says the company can receive necessary approval from a relevant agency after customs clearance.

- “Company Subject to Self-Check” refers to a company that can clear customs without receiving an approval from the head of a customs house at the time of import and export declaration and receive an approval from a relevant agency first. Companies subject to self-check are designated upon consultation between the Commissioner of the KCS and the head of a relevant agency.