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  • Changes to individual-type FIZ following reinvestment
    • 담당부서 : 외투기업고충처리실
    • 조회수 : 1,506
  • Organization : Investment Promotion Division, Gyeonggi Provincial Government
  • Regulation : Investment Promotion Division, Gyeonggi Provincial Government

(Background) With plans for reinvestment, a company has applied for changes to individual-type FIZ. However, the  relevant organization has continued to defer necessary action and notification.


(Main issue) The relevant local government must complete assessment and notification regarding the application filed by the company by September 2017.

Resoultion and Results

(Resolution) Through discussions with the relevant local government, we found that the delay was largely due to the fact that the company’s reinvestment was considered as part of its initial investment which benefited from tax reduction. Thus, additional documents must be submitted to demonstrate that the two investments are unrelated.


(Results) The relevant local government completed its assessment and notified approval of changes to the company’s individual-type FIZ. Buttressed by our administrative intervention, the government was able to attract reinvestment from the company.