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  • Entering the FEZ by changing business type
    • 담당부서 : 외투기업고충처리실
    • 조회수 : 162
  • Organization : ㅇㅇ Free Economic Zone
  • Regulation : Plan to develop a knowledge and information industrial complex


Reinvesting in facilities, foreign company A planned to enter the FEZ and submitted its business plan. However, the FEZ authority replied that company A has to modify its implementation plan to enter the FEZ. 


Company A requested the FEZ authority to carry out administrative procedures that are required to change business type. However, officials replied that the company has to carry out the procedures by itself.

For smooth and quick progress without any setbacks, company A requested the Office of the Foreign Investment Ombudsman's help. 

Resoultion and Results


The business plan included only the current business type because of miscommunications between officials as it included a transfer plan. 

If a company is not included in the business type available to enter the FEZ and is also not a restricted one, that it can apply for entering the FEZ after going through the implementation plan modify procedure. 

It will take about 20~30 days to complete the process. 


Carried out a modification procedure to include the company's business type in the implementation plan and closed the case.