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  • Mitigate the re-entry permit system for long-term stayers
    • 담당부서 : 외투기업고충처리실
    • 조회수 : 108
  • Organization : Ministry of Justice
  • Regulation :


MOJ announced the introduction of a quarantine measure to enforce re-entry permit system and submission of diagnosis for re-entry of long-term stayers(May 23.)


Requirements and application process of the permit was not clearly indicated, and it was practically impossible to prepare a diagnosis written in English by a doctor and notarized within 48 hours from departure for Korea. 

Resoultion and Results


The Ombudsman convinced high ranking officials about the significance and urgency of the matter, and discussed to amend the policy by considering the results from the video meeting and research.


MOJ incorporated the opinions within the policy and released a revised version (June 1) as follows;

① Establish e-application system for re-entry permit for user's convenience, earlier than the original plan

② Provide an exemption for submitting a diagnosis; departure for the business, journalism and academic activities and re-entering Korea within three weeks

③ For unavoidable cases, a diagnosis issued with in three days shall be accepted

④ Under exceptional circumstances, a diagnosis written in a third language other than English or Korean can be accepted