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  • Change the pricing guideline for industrial gas to be more responsive to global trends
    • 담당부서 : 외투기업고충처리실
    • 조회수 : 143
  • Organization : Korea Gas Corporation
  • Regulation :


According to the related guideline, domestic gas price was renewing every two month to reflect changes in material prices. 


Company A was supplying industrial gas in line with international prices, but, due to the time difference in domestic gas pricing system, they had to put up with sales loss continuously. 

Resoultion and Results


OFIO looked into the details in the pricing process of the domestic gas fee and hos Korea is reflecting international oil price in to the system. Also, OFIO consulted with Company A and to take a closer look at the sales loss and its trigger. 

After compiling the information, the meeting between MOTIE and Company A was arranged to discuss complementary measures to minimize losses in companies like A when unexpected changes in the world are occurring. 


MOTIE acknowledged the Company A's claim and therefore amended the guideline to shorten the updating cycle from two months to each month.

* Yet, the gas price for household, to stabilize gas prices, is decided to retain the existing pricing system.