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  • Improve the local system to be able to put overseas COVID-19 vaccination history
    • 담당부서 : 외투기업고충처리실
    • 조회수 : 146
  • Organization : Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency
  • Regulation :


When a foreigner vaccinated against COVID-19 overseas, an isolation exemption certificate (IEC) was required to put the vaccination history into the system of local health offices. 

In this regard, a foreigner who did not hold an IEC and therefore who went through the existing quarantine process was not able to put one's vaccination history into local health offices' system. 

As of Dec. 3rd, quarantine measures have updated and put restrictions in using public places, restaurants and coffee shops before one's vaccination is confirmed. Those restrictions also caused difficulties in business activities such as attending business meetings. 


Measures to enable overseas vaccination history registration without an IEC were requested. 

Resoultion and Results


OFIO contracted with the responsible ministry (KDCA) to address difficulties of business people in written and verbal forms.


KDCA amended the registration process to enable overseas vaccination history to be put in the local system, while informing how to use the registration process via KDCA's website.