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  • [기타] Amendment to the Labeling Requirements for Food, etc.
    • Competent Ministry : Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
    • Advance Publication of Legislation : 2018-05-31
    • Opinion Submission Deadline : 2018-07-30

(1) Reasons for Proposal

In accordance with the promulgation (March 13, 2018) of the Act on the Labeling and Advertising of Food, etc., this Amendment combines the Labeling Standards for Food, etc., with those for Livestock Products for consistency.

It integrates the editing systems of Labeling Requirements for Food, etc., and Labeling Requirements for Livestock Products under into the former ones, and makes clear and sensible amendments by unifying food and livestock product regulations or incorporating the characteristics thereof, thereby aiming to facilitate understanding among consumers and business operators.

(2) Major Provisions

A. Combine labeling requirements for foods and for livestock products

1) Provide consistent standards by combining labeling regulations that have been divided into the Labeling Requirements for Food, etc., and Labeling Requirements for Livestock Products

2) Promote efficient administration and consumer convenience by prescribing integrated labeling requirements for foods and livestock products

B. Reflect the amended Food Standards and Specifications

1) Modify the “Label Particulars and Requirements for Food” according to the amended food types in the Food Standards and Specifications

2) Prescribe labeling requirements for fruit and vegetable juices and miscellaneous processed seafood (only those products that are vacuum packed after pasteurization or sterilization), which have been added to the list of items that may be distributed after thawing

Regulatory effect assessment
Legislative proposal (draft)
  • 식품등의_표시기준_전부개정고시_행정예고(안)(공고제2018-235호).hwp [download]