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  • Government Legislation
  • Partial Amendment to the “Special Countermeasure Area Designation and Special Comprehensive Measures for Water Quality Conservation of PaldangㆍDaecheong Lakes”
    • Competent Ministry : Ministry of Environment
    • Advance Publication of Legislation : 2018-06-18
    • Opinion Submission Deadline : 2018-07-09

(1) Reasons for Proposal

The Amendment streamlines rezoning control standards and encourages the clustering of individual factories that are scattered throughout special measures areas to improve location regulations and water quality management, thereby addressing and improving upon location regulations for waterworks business facilities and closing a number of loopholes that have emerged during the operation of the current system.

(2) Major Provisions

A. Relax location restriction standards for wastewater discharge facilities of waterworks business facilities (Article 6, paragraph 1, subparagraph 3 newly inserted)

1) Relax location restriction standards for waterworks business facilities that are public welfare facilities for local residents; provided that such a waterworks business facility is a wastewater-discharging facility that discharges less than 700㎥ of wastewater per day in Zone I, and treats the wastewater generated at not more than 10mg/L BOD or directs it to a public sewage treatment facility.

B. Clarify standards applicable to the occupation and use of a river (Article 11, paragraph 1 amended)

1) Clarify standards applicable to the occupation and use of a river by making a distinction between business operators and individuals who are subject to the regulations.

C. Streamline restrictions on industrial rezoning (Article 15 amended)

1) Use the word “prohibit” to clarify that restrictions on industrial rezoning means a prohibition as per the statutory interpretation (Nov. 2017) of the Ministry of Government Legislation.

2) Allow industrial rezoning within a limited scope by adding strict conditions to prevent any influence on the water quality of water sources.

Regulatory effect assessment
  • 규제영향분석서(특대고시 일부개정안).pdf [download]
Legislative proposal (draft)
  • 붙임1 행정예고 공고문(팔당ㆍ대청호 상수원 수질보전 특별대책지역 지정 및 특별종합대책 일부개정(안)).hwp [download]