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  • Government Legislation
  • Draft for partial revision of Enforcement Decree of Special Act on Formation of Asian Cultural Hub City
    • Competent Ministry : Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
    • Advance Publication of Legislation : 2021-07-21
    • Opinion Submission Deadline : 2021-08-30

1. Reason for revision


As Special Act on Formation of Asian Cultural Hub City was revised (Act No. 18160, promulgation on May 18, 2021, and enforcement on November 19, 2021) so that, if support money or a loan is obtained with a lie or by a fraud method in relation of implementation of a cultural industry, etc. for formation of Asian Cultural Hub City, the country or the Mayor of Gwangju Metropolitan City may collect the support money or loan and support money or loan may be limited for three (3) years in maximum, it is intended to provide the matters delegated under the Act and the matters needed for enforcement thereof.


2. Main content


A. Reason for collection of support money or loan (Article 11.1 and 11.2 of draft)

If support money or loan is collected due to no implementation of a project, reference time of no implementation is decided as the time to implement the project plan and the case of dissatisfaction of the condition for support money or loan is added as the reason for collection of support money or loan.


B. Period to limit support money or loan (Establishment of Article 11.4 and Appendix Table 1 of draft)

The period to restrict support money or loan in accordance with Article 15.5 of the Act shall be three (3) years if support money or loan is obtained with a lie or by a fraud method and two (2) years if the project is not implemented in the implementation time under the project plan or the project is given up halfway.

Regulatory effect assessment
  • 아시아문화중심도시 조성에 관한 특별법 시행령(규제영향분석서)_20210720.hwp [download]
Legislative proposal (draft)
  • 입법예고문(아시아문화도시조성에 관한 특별법 시행령 일부개정령안).hwp [download]