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  • Government Legislation
  • Draft for partial revision of Food Sanitation Act
    • Competent Ministry : Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
    • Advance Publication of Legislation : 2021-08-20
    • Opinion Submission Deadline : 2021-09-29

1. Reason for proposal

The purpose of the current Food Sanitation Act is to protect people’s health and safety by preventing possible sanitary hazards caused by food, but as it is defined as an inclusive term, i.e. National health promotion, therefore, it is intended to define the purpose clearly, and prepare the basis to amend the standard and specification of food, depending on the reevaluation result of such standard and specification, meanwhile, by preparing the basis of acceptance standard and safety confirmation of physically recycled raw materials so that recycled synthetic resin materials may be used as food devices, containers, and packages.


2. Main content

A. The purpose of the Food Sanitation Act is clarified to include the protection of people’s health and safety (Article 2 of draft)

B. The basis is prepared for the amendment of the standard and specification of food, depending on the reevaluation result of such standard and specification (Article 7-5 of draft).

C. The basis to accept physically recycled raw materials including synthetic resin devices, etc. is prepared (Article 9 of draft)

Regulatory effect assessment
  • 식품위생법(규제영향분석서)_20210813.hwp [download]
Legislative proposal (draft)
  • 식품위생법 일부개정법률(안) 입법예고(수정).hwp [download]