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  • Draft for partial revision of the Regulations on the operation of the system for disclosing the list of nonfulfillment of liability for employment of the disabled
    • Competent Ministry : Ministry of Employment and Labor
    • Advance Publication of Legislation : 2021-10-23
    • Opinion Submission Deadline : 2021-11-07

1. Background of revision

The aim is to promote active endeavors for the employment of the disabled by establishing a strict standard for disclosure of the list in the public sector in order to encourage the public sector in playing a leading role in the employment of the disabled.


2. Main contents

The employment rate, which is the standard for disclosure of the list, is increased from less than 80% to less than 100% of the current obligatory employment rate.

- The time of judgment is improved from “December of the previous year” to “Yearly mean employment rate of the disabled.”

* Application to 2022 following the revision of the Regulations since the prior notice of disclosure of the 2023 list

* (Current) List disclosure standard

Country and self-governing bodies (public officials): For all organizations, the December employment rate shall be less than 80% of the obligatory employment rate.

Country and self-governing bodies (public officials): For organizations with 50 or more persons, the December employment rate shall be less than 80% of the obligatory employment rate.

Public organizations: For organizations with 50 or more persons, the December employment rate shall be less than 80% of the obligatory employment rate.

Private enterprises: For organizations with 300 or more persons, the December employment rate shall be less than 50% of the obligatory employment rate.


* (Revised) List disclosure standard

Country and self-governing bodies (public officials): For all organizations, the yearly mean employment rate shall be less than 100% of the obligatory employment rate.

Country and self-governing bodies (public officials): For organizations with 50 or more persons, the yearly mean employment rate shall be less than 100% of the obligatory employment rate.

Public organizations: For organizations with 50 or more persons, the yearly mean employment rate shall be less than 100% of the obligatory employment rate.

Private enterprises: For organizations with 50 or more persons, the December employment rate shall be less than 50% of the obligatory employment rate.

Regulatory effect assessment
  • 장애인 고용의무 불이행 명단공표제도 운영규정(규제영향분석서)_20211022.hwp [download]
Legislative proposal (draft)
  • 211022 명단공표 훈령개정 행정예고 공고문.hwp [download]