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  • Legislative Notice of Partial Revision to the Enforcement Decree of the Road Traffic Act
    • Competent Ministry : Korea National Police Agency
    • Advance Publication of Legislation : 2024-05-29
    • Opinion Submission Deadline : 2024-07-08

1. Reason for revision 

The Road Traffic Act was revised (Law No. 20270; promulgated on February 13, 2024; implemented on August 14, 2024) to expand the career requirements for becoming a principal of a specialized driving academy, etc. The Road Traffic Act was further revised (Law No. 20375; promulgated on March 19, 2024; implemented on September 20, 2024) to add work experience as a skills training instructor, road driving training instructor or skills examiner to the career requirements for becoming a principal of a specialized driving academy, while prohibiting the lending and arranging of instructor qualifications and functional examiner certificates for improper purposes. In this connection, the proposed amendment is designed to revise the articles of the Act quoted under the Presidential Decree.

2. Main contents

a. It newly establishes a provision specifying the tasks of 'education, examination, etc. of driving schools, etc.' delegated by the Act as the tasks of ‘skills and road driving education and skills examination’ (Article 68-2 of the draft).

b. It revises the articles cited under the Presidential Decree (Article 86 of the draft).

Regulatory effect assessment
  • 도로교통법 시행령(규제영향분석서)_20240524.hwp [download]
Legislative proposal (draft)
  • 경찰청공고 제2024-24호(도로교통법 시행령 일부개정령안 입법예고).pdf [download]