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  • Government Legislation
  • Legislative Notice of Enactment (draft) to the Enforcement Rule of the Damage Prevention and Management Act
    • Competent Ministry : Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency
    • Advance Publication of Legislation : 2024-07-05
    • Opinion Submission Deadline : 2024-08-16

1. Reason for enactment

As the Damage Prevention and Management Act has been enacted (Law No. 20100; promulgated on January 23, 2024; and implemented on January 24, 2025), it is intended to determine the matters consigned by the law and the enforcement ordinance and the matters necessary for the implementation thereof.

2. Main contents

A. Request for submission of damage investigation statistics (Article 2 of the draft)

For the damage investigation statistics project, the Director of the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency determines the kinds of data that may be requested pursuant to Article 9.2 of the Act and the methods of requesting them.

B. Projects of the Central Damage Control Center (Article 3 of the draft)

In addition to the projects prescribed by law, other projects to be implemented by the Central Damage Control Center shall be determined and the implementation plan and performance of the project, etc. shall be reported to the Director of the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency.

C. Establishment, operation, and consignment of the Central Damage Control Center (Article 4 of the draft)

The installation and operational standards of the Central Damage Control Center are established; and the assignment procedures, such as the list of documents and request forms to be provided by the organizations for consignment of installation/operation, and the installation/operation consignment form, etc. are determined.

D. Cancellation of consignment of the Central Damage Control Center (Article 5 of the draft)

Determination of the cases in which consignment of the installation/operation of the Central Damage Control Center may be canceled, and determination of the related procedures, etc.

E. Evaluation and re-consignment of the Central Damage Control Center (Article 6 of the draft)

The method of evaluating the consigned Central Damage Control Center is determined; while re-consignment is determined based on the result of the evaluation.

F. Consignment of the installation/operation of regional damage control centers (Article 7 of the draft)

The standards for the installation and operation of regional damage control centers will be established by ordinance and the procedures for consigning their installation and operation will be established.

G. Cancellation of consignment of regional damage control centers (Article 8 of the draft)

The cases in which consignment of the installation and operation of regional damage control centers may be canceled and the related procedure, etc. will be prescribed. 

H. Evaluation and re-consignment of regional damage control centers (Article 9 of the draft)

The method of evaluating regional damage control centers to which the installation and operation has been consigned is determined; and re-consignment is determined based on the results of the evaluation.

Regulatory effect assessment
  • 손상 예방 및 관리에 관한 법률 시행규칙(규제영향분석서)_20240704.hwp [download]
Legislative proposal (draft)
  • (입법예고공고문) 손상예방법 시행규칙 제정령안.hwpx [download]