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  • Legislative notice to the Enforcement Decree of the Act on Monitoring and Prediction of Climate and Climate Change
    • Competent Ministry : Korea Meteorological Administration
    • Advance Publication of Legislation : 2024-09-03
    • Opinion Submission Deadline : 2024-09-20

1. Reason for enactment

In this era of climate crisis, when the establishment of policies based on the scientific monitoring and prediction of climate change has emerged as an important issue, the Act on Monitoring and Projection of Climate and Climate Change (Law No. 19757; promulgated on October 24, 2023; implemented on October 25, 2024) has been enacted in order to introduce systematic systems to address climate change, by separating the provisions related to climate and climate change from the Weather Act, and supplementing and strengthening necessary matters such as support for measures related to the climate crisis as a general and supporting organization for monitoring and predicting the climate crisis in accordance with the Framework Act on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth for Coping with the Climate Crisis. The Enforcement Decree of this Act aims to provide the matters delegated by the Act and the matters necessary for its implementation.

2. Main contents

a. Development of Basic Plans, etc. (Article 2 and Article 3 of the draft)

- The Director of the Meteorological Administration will provide the methods of developing, revising and publishing the Basic Plans on Climate and Monitoring and Prediction Climate Change, and will also prescribe procedures necessary for their implementation by year.

b. Matters concerning Climate Change Monitoring (Article 4 and Article 5 of the draft)

- The Enforcement Decree provides the contents of the duties for the development and operation of a systematic climate change observation network, and also prescribes methods of collecting, analyzing, and producing climate and climate change monitoring information.

c. Matters concerning climate and climate change prediction information (Article 6 and Article 7 of the draft)

- The Enforcement Decree stipulates the details and methods of producing climate forecast information, extreme weather forecasts, and climate outlook information.

- The Enforcement Decree stipulates the procedures required for the application, examination, and approval of climate change scenarios. 

d. Matters related to the provision and utilization of monitoring and forecasting information (Article 8 and Article 9 of the draft)

- The Enforcement Decree stipulates the scope and method of providing information, the methods of monitoring climate crises and those of collecting and utilizing predicted information by deploying an information system that enables the joint use of information among government departments.

e. Matters concerning support for measures related to climate crisis response (Article 10 of the draft)

- The Enforcement Decree provides additional plans and measures for coping with climate crises, which the Director of the Meteorological Administration should support. It also stipulates that the Director may survey the utilization records and actual results of the utilization performances and plans of the related central government agencies that use the monitoring and forecasting information, as well as the results of surveys and research.

f. Matters relating to the development of infrastructures, such as those for research and international cooperation (Articles 11 to 16 of the draft)

- The Enforcement Decree stipulates the criteria and procedures for designation and de-designation of entities specializing in the monitoring and forecasting of climate change.

- The Enforcement Decree stipulates the targets and contents of measures for international cooperation.

- The Enforcement Decree clearly provides the functions for the composition and operation of intergovernmental consultative bodies (IPCC) and committees on the response to climate change.

g. Introduction of a qualification system for climate change science educators (Article 17 of the draft)

- The Enforcement Decree provides the qualification requirements for climate change science educators and the procedure for issuing certificates.

Regulatory effect assessment
  • 기후·기후변화 감시 및 예측 등에 관한 법률 시행령(규제영향분석서)_20240830.hwp [download]
Legislative proposal (draft)
  • 기후·기후변화 감시 및 예측 등에 관한 법률 시행령안 입법예고문(기상청공고제2024-130호).pdf [download]