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  • Government Legislation
  • Administrative Notice of Revision (Draft) to the Additional Special Conditions for Third-Party Unit Price Contracts of Commercial Software
    • Competent Ministry : Public Procurement Service
    • Advance Publication of Legislation : 2024-10-07
    • Opinion Submission Deadline : 2024-10-27

1. Reason for Revision

□ There is a problem in that the contracting parties of third-party unit price contracts for commercial software provide free items, other than the contracted items, that are not specified in delivery orders.

◦ Repeated complaints from the relevant industry have been made to the National Petition System and reports of unfair procurement practices (2023-2024).

◦ As such, there is a need to establish the grounds for sanctions to prevent the free and additional provision of non-contracted items

2. Main Contents

□ Revised details

◦ Sanctions for providing items not specified in the delivery order.

- 1-month suspension of transactions for the 1st violation, 3-month suspension for the 2nd violation, and contract termination for the 3rd violation.

* Note: In the case of excellent procurement goods, 3-month suspension of transactions without a warning (Additional Special Conditions for Goods Purchase (Manufacturing) Contract).

- If there are multiple identical violations based on the results of on-site inspections, etc., this will be considered to constitute one violation and transactions will be suspended

- This revision is aligned with the simultaneously announced "Business Processing Standards for Third-Party Unit Price Contracts of Commercial Software" and applies relevant provisions from it.

Regulatory effect assessment
  • 상용소프트웨어 제3자단가계약 추가특수조건(규제영향분석서)_20240926.hwp [download]
Legislative proposal (draft)
  • (최종)「상용소프트웨어 제3자단가계약 추가특수조건」 개정(안) 행정예고 공고문.hwpx [download]