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  • Legislative Notice of Partial Revision to the Enforcement Decree of the Narcotics Control Act
    • Competent Ministry : Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
    • Advance Publication of Legislation : 2024-10-11
    • Opinion Submission Deadline : 2024-11-20

1. Reason for Revision

As the Narcotics Control Act (Law No. 20214; promulgated on February 6, 2024; enforced on February 7, 2025) requires the Minister of Food and Drug Safety to conduct an annual behavior investigation of narcotics use based on sewage epidemiology and to establish necessary matters, such as the content and method of the survey, this revision stipulates the related matters, such as the content to be included in the survey, expands the scope of information requested by the Narcotics Integrated Information Management Center to the relevant organizations for analysis of narcotics misuse, etc., and additionally designates substances designated as controlled substances by the United Nations or temporary narcotics with confirmed dependence, etc. as narcotics or narcotic raw materials.

2. Main contents

A. In order to verify the authenticity of information from the Narcotics Integrated Information Center and analyze misuse, this revision expands the scope of information to be requested, such as medical records and disease history, in accordance with the National Health Insurance Act and the Medical Benefit Act (Article 8-2 of the draft).

B. This revision stipulates the contents and methods to be included in the annual behavior investigation of narcotics use based on sewage epidemiology delegated by the law (Newly established Article 20-8 of the draft).

C. This revision stipulates the additional designation of substances designated as controlled substances by the United Nations or temporary narcotics with confirmed physical or mental dependence as narcotics (1 type of narcotics), psychotomimetic agents (14 types of psychotomimetic agents) or narcotic raw materials (18 types of raw materials) (Attached Table 2, Attached Table 3, Attached Table 6, and Attached Table 8 of the draft).

Regulatory effect assessment
  • 마약류 관리에 관한 법률 시행령(규제영향분석서)_20241002.hwp [download]
Legislative proposal (draft)
  • 마약류 관리에 관한 법률 시행령 일부개정령(안)★_입법예고(2024-465).hwpx [download]