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  • Government Legislation
  • Partial Revision to the Fisheries Seed Industry Promotion Act
    • Competent Ministry : Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries
    • Advance Publication of Legislation : 2024-11-20
    • Opinion Submission Deadline : 2024-12-30

2. Reason for the Revision

This revision of the Act aims to promote the intermediate breeding seed industry by establishing a pilot complex for intermediate breeding that incorporates automated equipment into the production structure of fisheries seeds, to expand the definition of fisheries seeds and establish a new definition of intermediate breeding in order to prepare the basis for a management system, and to reorganize the targets so that the license for fisheries seed production can be cancelled or suspended not only for acts of selling aquatic plant seeds without reporting by fisheries seed producer, but also for acts of producing, importing, possessing, distributing, or storing them.

3. Main Contents

A. The revision expands the definition of fisheries seeds and establishes definition of intermediate breeding (Article 2 of the draft)

○ Expansion* of the definition of aquatic seeds and establishment** of a definition of intermediate breeding to promote the intermediate breeding seed industry and establish a management system according to the division of labor in the seed industry (eggs → fry → intermediate breeding).



 ▪(Aquatic animals) Semen, eggs, fry, spat, young individuals

▪(Aquatic plants) Seeds, spores, and leaves, stems, roots as trophosomes



 Existing category + intermediate breeding individuals


 The act of growing and cultivating fisheries seeds for a certain period of time before placing them in a farm to ensure that they are healthy and do not die or become diseased, and the act of continuing the processes necessary for producing fisheries seeds.

B. Reorganization of the targets of cancellation/suspension of licenses for the fisheries seed production industry (Article 26 of the draft).



 Selling after producing/importing



 Producing, importing, possessing, distributing, storing, and selling

○ The revision reorganizes the target so that the license for fisheries seed production can be cancelled or suspended not only for the act of selling aquatic plant seeds without reporting it (i.e. by the fisheries seed producer ), but also for the acts of producing, importing, possessing, distributing, or storing them.

Regulatory effect assessment
  • 수산종자산업육성법(규제영향분석서)_20241113.hwp [download]
Legislative proposal (draft)
  • 수산종자산업육성법 일부개정법률안.hwpx [download]