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  • Legislative Notice of Partial Revision (Draft) to the Enforcement Rules of the Passport Act
    • Competent Ministry : Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    • Advance Publication of Legislation : 2024-12-13
    • Opinion Submission Deadline : 2025-01-22

1. Reason for the Revision

In accordance with the revision to the Enforcement Decree of the Passport Act, which abolishes the restriction on the validity of passports for persons who have not completed military service and stipulates additional persons who are exempt from fingerprinting, the proposed revision provide the matters delegated by the Enforcement Decree and the matters necessary for its enforcement, and also amend some of the provisions in order to provide the grounds for, and to improve or supplement the deficiencies of, certain current practices.

2. Main Contents

a. Reflection of revision to higher statutes.

1) The revision removes military service-related documents from the documents to be submitted when applying for a passport (Article 4).

2) The revision specifies the types of cases in which it is difficult to authenticate the subject person's identity through fingerprint contrast (including those who have not yet been issued a resident registration card and those who are unable to attend a face-to-face meeting due to an overseas crisis). (Article 5-2)

b. Provision of statutory grounds to correct deficiencies revealed in current practices.

1) Clarification of the meanings of the provisions related to the Romanization of and changes made to full names written in Roman letters, and detailed indications of the documents to be submitted (Article 2-2).

2) Regarding the proxy application for issuance of a passport, the amendment adds the spouses of former and current presidents to the list of persons who can apply as a proxy. The amendment also clearly classifies the proxy's requirements and the documents to be submitted by category (Article 6).

Regulatory effect assessment
  • 여권법 시행규칙(규제영향분석서)_20241209.hwp [download]
Legislative proposal (draft)
  • 외교부공고제2024-223호(「여권법 시행규칙」일부개정령(안) 입법예고).pdf [download]