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  • National Assembly Legislation
  • [환경] Special Act on the Safety of Products for Children
    • Competent Ministry : Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
    • Advance Publication of Legislation : 2018-04-19
    • Opinion Submission Deadline : 2018-05-03
Reasons for Proposal

The current Act prescribes that a person who manufactures products for children without any mark for safety certification, safety verification, verification of supplier compliance, etc. shall be punished, while imported products are required to obtain safety certification in the same way as domestic products. The sale of the products without such mark and the acts of importation, display and sales brokerage thereof, for the purpose of sales, shall be punishable, thereby ensuring that the processes of manufacturing, importing and distributing products for children are comprehensively controlled.

Although products without the safety certification mark are brokered through a mail order broker, such broker may be exempt from the requirement if he/she takes a technical measure for sales prevention.  

However, the results of analysis of real transaction patterns show that both mail order business operators and mail order sales brokers are operating in the same way in terms of hosting retailers, posting information, consumer orders and payments, product delivery by retailers, settlement of accounts, etc.

Since the environment in which to judge product manageability is also same for both parties, it cannot be true that one party is unable to comply with the regulations that is applied to the other party on the ground that mail order business operators and mail order brokers are placed in different circumstances.

Accordingly, the Amendment requires a mail order sales broker to place a mark for safety certification, safety verification, or verification of supplier compliance for products for children (Article 30).

Major Provisions

Require a mail order sales broker to place a mark for safety certification, safety verification, or verification of supplier compliance for products for children (Article 30).

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