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National Assembly Legislation

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  • National Assembly Legislation
  • Industrial Cluster Development and Factory Establishment Act
    • Competent Ministry : Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
    • Advance Publication of Legislation : 2020-09-17
    • Opinion Submission Deadline : 2020-10-01
Reasons for Proposal

As seen in the shutdown of the Gunsan Shipyard of Hyundai Heavy Industries and the Gunsan plant of GM, the closure of large-scale employers in the region has a significant impact on the local economy due to direct job losses, managerial deterioration of subcontractors, and an economic slump in the surrounding commercial area.

Furthermore, where a large-scale employer that has ceased operations does not specify whether it will resume its operation, whether it will close temporarily or permanently, and fails to disclose its human resources management plans and objectives, etc., such lack of transparency increases the unpredictability of the related industries in the region, thereby limiting the choice of subcontractors and workers subject to employment termination. 

Where a large-scale employer that has a significant impact on the local economy rapidly reduces its number of employees, require the employer to provide detailed plans including the period required to normalize employment, objectives, and countermeasures, to enhance the predictability of the related industry and the regional economy and provide support for companies who faithfully carry out plans for employment normalization, thereby contributing to job creation and rehabilitation of the local economy (Article 42-2 newly inserted). 

Major Provisions

Implementation of employment plans (Article 42-2)

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