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All private information handled by KOTRA is collected, retained and managed in compliance with relevant acts or with the consent of the subject of information.
The Personal Information Protection Act prescribes matters concerning the management of personal information. KOTRA shall treat the collected and retained information in compliance with the Act in a legal and appropriate manner in order to conduct public affairs properly and to protect the rights and interests of all citizens.
Websites operated by KOTRA are as follows (hereinafter referred to as the KOTRA websites). All KOTRA websites will be subject to the privacy policy unless otherwise stated.

1. Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information

  • KOTRA collects the minimum personal information to provide services, handle complaints and manage business affairs.
  • Personal information collected by KOTRA will be used on customer satisfaction evaluation and statistical analyses to provide better services and secure communication route for customers.

2. Period of Maintaining Collected Personal Information

  • You need to register on the Invest KOREA website if you want to post any content on the website or receive periodic newsletters. Invest KOREA collects the following personal information upon approval by its members.
  • Personal information collected when registering on the KOTRA website shall be retained until a member deletes his/her account. However, such information can be retained after the member deleted his/her account in compliance with relevant laws. Personal information collected by KOTRA by other means shall be treated and retained for a certain period of time that is determined separately.
Period of Maintaining Collected Personal Information : Number,Name of the personal information file,Grounds for operation,Retention period
Number Name of the personal information file Grounds for operation Retention period
1 Invest KOREA member Consent from the information player Until the withdrawal of the member from Invest KOREA

Article 3 (Providing the personal information to the third party)

In principle, Invest KOREA processes the personal information of an information player within the scope defined under the purpose for collecting and using the personal information of the information player and shall not process the information that exceeds the scope of the purpose or provide the information to the third party without the consent from the information player excluding the following exceptions:
  • 1. When Invest KOREA obtains a separate consent from the information player;
  • 2. When there is a special regulation specified under the Act;
  • 3. When Invest KOREA clearly recognizes the need to provide the personal information to the third party for the interests of the life, physical body or property of the information player or the third party as the information player or legal representative is in a situation where he cannot express his intention or Invest KOREA cannot obtain prior consent of the information player due to the unclear address;
  • 4. When the personal information that is required for statistics and academic research is unrecognizable;
  • 5. When the protection committee has reviewed and decided the case where the matters under the jurisdiction defined by a different Act cannot be executed as the personal information has been used for other purposes or has not been delivered to the third party;
  • 6. When the information is needed to provide it to foreign governments or international organizations to carry out treaties and other international agreements;
  • 7. When it is necessary for investigation of a crime or prosecution;
  • 8. When it is necessary for a court to perform its judicial affairs; and
  • 9. When it is necessary for executing a punishment, care and custody or protective disposition.

Article 4 (Entrustment of the personal information processing)

  • Invest KOREA entrusts the following affairs related to the processing of the personal information to smoothly process the personal information:
    Entrustment of the personal information processing : Number,Entrusted affairs,Company Name,Tel.,Hours
    Number Entrusted affairs Company Name Tel. Hours
    1 Operation and maintenance of the KOTRA information system Datacore Systems Co., Ltd. 02-6404-8811 09:00~18:00
    2 Operation of the customer information center Leading I Co., Ltd. 02-390-4200 09:00~18:00

Article 5 (Rights and duties of the information players and how to exercise them)

  • An information player (a legal representative shall exercise the rights if the information player is less than 14 years old) shall exercise the following rights related to the protection of the personal information at any time:
    • 1. Request for inspection of the personal information
    • 2. Request for modification where there is an error
    • 3. Request for deletion
    • 4. Request for suspension of the processing.
  • The information player shall exercise his rights in accordance with Section 1 by submitting the document as provided by Annex 8. Enforcement Ordinance of the Personal Information Protection Act via mail, e-mail or fax and Invest KOREA shall respond to the request without delay.
  • If the information player of the personal information requests for modification or deletion of his personal information, Invest KOREA shall not use or provide the personal information of the player until such modification or deletion is completed.
  • The information player shall present his legal representative or agent to exercise his rights as provided by Section 1. In such case, the information player is required to submit the power of attorney in accordance with Annex 11. Enforcement Ordinance of the Personal Information Protection Act.
  • The request for suspending the process and inspection of the personal information could be limited in accordance with Article 35.5 and Article 37.2 of the Personal Information Protection Act.
  • For modification and deletion of personal information, if other Acts stipulate the particular personal information be collected, the information plyer shall not request for deletion thereof.
  • For request to inspect, modify, delete or suspend the process in accordance with the rights of the information player, Invest KOREA shall confirm if the requested person is himself or his legal representative.
    * Provide any identification cards (certificate of resident registration, driver s license, passport, etc.) to identify himself.
    * If the requested person is the legal representative, any identification cards and power of attorney to identify that he is the legal representative of the information player.
    * [Annex 8. Enforcement Ordinance of the Personal Information Protection Act] Request for inspecting, modifying, deleting and suspending the process of the personal information
    * [Annex 11. Enforcement Ordinance of the Personal Information Protection Act] Power of Attorney
  • Procedures for inspecting, modifying, deleting and suspending the personal information are as follows:

Article 6 (Items for processing the personal information)

Invest KOREA processes the following items for the personal information:
Items for processing the personal information : Number,Name of the personal information file,Items for the personal information
Number Name of the personal information file Items for the personal information
1 Invest KOREA member Required First Name, Last Name, Business, Company Name, Title, Address, Country, ZipCode, Phone, Email, UserID, Password
Optional Fax Number

Article 7 (Procedures and methods of destructing the personal information)

Invest KOREA, in principle, shall delete the personal information without delay if its purpose to process the personal information is achieved. However, it shall not be applied for the personal information that needs to be preserved in accordance with other Acts. The procedures, terms and methods of destructing the personal information are as follows:
  • A. Procedures
    Any unnecessary personal information and personal information file shall be destroyed in accordance with the below procedure of the inside policy under the responsibility of the person in charge of the personal information.
    • Destruction of the personal information.
      The personal information shall be destroyed without delay from the end date of its holding period.
    • Destruction of the personal information file
      If the personal information file becomes unnecessary due to the achievement of the processing of the personal information file, abolition of the relevant service and the end of the business, the personal information file shall be destroyed without delay from the day that recognizes the processing of the personal information is no longer needed.
  • B. Methods
    • Electronic data shall be destroyed by using technical methods to make it impossible to restore such data.
    • Paper documents that contain the personal information shall be shredded or incinerated.

Article 8 (Measures to secure the safety of the personal information )

Invest KOREA shall implement the following technical, managerial and physical measures to secure the safety of the personal information in accordance with Article 29 of the Personal Information Protection Act.
  • 1. Minimum number of staff in charge of the personal information processing and training Invest KOREA shall designate the minimum number of staff to handle the personal information.
  • 2. Restricted access to the personal information
    Invest KOREA shall carry out necessary measures to restrict access to the personal information through empowerment, change and cancellation of access authorities for the database system that processes the personal information. It shall also operate intrusion prevention systems to deny any unauthorized external access.
  • 3. Preservation of the access records
    Invest KOREA shall store access records (weblog data, summarized information, etc.) to the personal information data system for at least six months.
  • 4. Encryption of the personal information
    The personal information of the users are stored and managed in an encrypted manner. Invest KOREA also implements special security measures including encrypting important data when storing or transferring.
  • 5. Installation and periodic updates of computer security programs
    Invest KOREA shall install and periodically update the computer security programs to prevent the personal information from leakage and damage due to hacking or computer viruses.
  • 6. Access control of the unauthorized personnel
    Invest KOREA shall operate a separate physical storage facility for its personal information data systems and establish and operate relevant access control procedures.

Article 9 (Contact points for Invest KOREA s personal information protection)

Contact points for Invest KOREA s personal information protection : Personal Information Protection Director,Personal Information Protection Manager,Personal Information Protection Officer
Personal Information Protection Director Personal Information Protection Manager er Personal Information Protection Officer
Department in charge: Invest KOREA
Head Kiwon Han
Tel : 02-3460-7801
Department in charge: Investment Planning Department
Director-General Yunsik Kim
Tel : 02-3460-7824
Department in charge: Investment Public Relations Team
Jiin Shin
Email :
Tel : 02-3460-7842
Fax : 02-3460-7920

Article 10 (Request for inspection of the personal information)

  • An information player shall request for the inspection of the personal information in accordance with Article 35 of the Personal Information Protection Act via the following team. KOTRA shall strive to swiftly handle the request of the information player for the inspection of the personal information.
    Department in charge
    • Team: Investment Public Relations Team
    • Officer: Jiin Shin
    • Contact : Tel. 02-3460-7842 / E-mail / Fax 02-3460-7920
  • Apart from the Team mentioned in Section 1, the information player shall be able to request for the inspection of the personal information via the website ( the Privacy Information Protection Portal run by the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs.
Privacy Information Protection Portal Civil affairs on the personal information Request for the inspection of the personal information (real name authentication via public I-pin service is required.)

Article 11 (Remedies for infringement on rights and interests)

An information player shall consult the following organizations for remedies regarding the infringement on the personal information.
  • Personal Information Infringement Report Center (Run by the Korea Internet & Security Agency)
    • Description : Report infringement on the personal information, request for consultation
    • Website :
    • Tel : 118 (without area code)
    • Address : (138-950) 135 Jungdaero, Sonpa-gu Seoul-si, Personal Information Infringement Report Center, the Korea Internet & Security Agency
  • Personal Information Dispute Resolution Committee (Run by the Korea Internet & Security Agency)
    • Description : apply for the personal information dispute resolution, collective dispute resolution (civil resolution)
    • Website :
    • Tel : 118 (without area code)
    • Address : (138-950) 135 Jungdaero, Sonpa-gu Seoul-si, Personal Information Infringement Report Center, the Korea Internet & Security Agency
  • Cybercrime Investigation Department : 02-3480-3571 (,
  • Cyber Terror Response Center : 1566-0112 (
Also, the information player reserves the right to demand administrative appeals in accordance with the Administrative Appeals Act for any infringement on rights and interests occurred due to the nonfeasance or measures taken by the head of a public institution for the request of the information player for inspection, modification, deletion or suspension of the personal information processing.
Please refer to the telephone numbers via the website( of the Central Administrative Appeals Commission

Article 12 (Amendment to the personal information processing policy)

The policy shall take into effect on August 1, 2015.
Please find below the previous personal information protection policies:


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