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  • [COVID-19] Introduction of a System for Entry into Korea - Q-CODE
    • Date : 2022.03.18
    • Views : 20391

Starting from Mar. 21, the Korean government will introduce Q-CODE system, established by the KDCA, for conveniences of overseas entrants coming from Incheon Airport. 

In this regard, all visitors are recommended to visit Q-CODE system ( to put their information, vaccination records, PCR test result, etc. prior to their entering into Korea. Visitors also can attach proving documents through Q-CODE system. 

After putting information, one can get a QR code for oneself that can be printed or presented through mobile phone to pass the quarantine process. 

After completing the quarantine process with QR code issued via Q-CODE system, the mandatory quarantine for 7 days is exempted, and from Apr. 1, people with overseas vaccination can use Q-CODE system to put their information into the system. 

Quarantine exemption will be available for those who have completed their third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine or received two doses (one dose for Janssen) at least 14 days prior but within 180 days. However, this does not apply to vaccinated visitors from Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, and Myanmar, and must quarantine for seven days.

For more information, please visit the website of KDCA and MOHW, and Q-CODE