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  • National Assembly Legislation
  • [정주환경] Act on Korea Open University Education Council
    • Competent Ministry : Ministry of Education
    • Advance Publication of Legislation : 2018-04-23
    • Opinion Submission Deadline : 2018-05-07
Reasons for Proposal

This Amendment aims to proactively respond to the paradigm shift of higher education for the future and promote the development of an efficient online lifelong education by establishing the Korean Council for Open University, thereby contributing to educational welfare. Futhermore, it aims to contribute to the national economy by exporting online university education.


A. The Korean Council for Open University shall be established in order to increase the independence and public nature of open university operation and to promote the sound growth of an open university education through cooperation between open universities (Article 2 (1)).

B. The Council shall have functions of research and development on such topics as the education system and operation, strengthening international competitiveness, student selection system, and course and teaching methods of open universities, and distribution thereof (Article 4).

C. The Council shall consist of one chairperson, one vice chairperson, seven directors and two auditors as executive officers, and the terms of such officers shall be two years (Article 7).

D. The State may assist in the expenditure necessary for the operation of the Council within the limit of its budget (Article 10 (1)).

E. The fiscal year of the Council shall be in line with that of the Government, and the Council shall prepare the business plan and budget report for each fiscal year and submit it twenty days before the beginning of the fiscal year to the Minister of Education; submit the written settlement of accounts concerning its revenues and expenditures attached with the performance results of business operation in the fiscal year within two months after the beginning of the next fiscal year to the Minister of Education (Articles 13 to 15).

F. No council except as otherwise prescibed by this Act shall use the names of the Korean Council for Open University, Korean Council for Cyber University Education or similar ones (Article 18).

Major Provisions

No council except as otherwise presribed by this Act shall use the names of the Korean Council for Open University, Korean Council for Cyber University Education or similar ones (Article 18).
A person who has used a similar name in violation of Article 18 shall be subject to an administrative fine (Article 20).

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