Reasons for Proposal
The Paris Agreement has recently accelerated global efforts to respond to climate change and Korea is no exception. In order to successfully achieve the national goal of greenhouse gas reduction we have proclaimed to the internatioanl community and to transform our national energy policies, such as by phasing out nuclear power and expanding the production of new and renewable energy, it is necessary to fundamentally reduce energy demand in the building sector, which accounts for at least 20 percent of the national total energy consumption.
Zero-energy buildings achieve energy self-sufficiency by minimizing the basic energy consumption necessary for heating/cooling, hot water, lighting, ventilation, etc., and producing energy on their own through photovoltaic, geothermal, and other renewable energy production facilities. They are playing an important role in reducing national energy demand and greenhouse gases.
Accordingly, the Amendment prescribes that the buildings specified by Presidential Decree shall obtain a zero-energy building certification and submit such certification when requesting for approval for use to promote the dissemination and spread of zero-energy buildings; and that a person who permits shall record the information in the building register when granting approval for use of the building, thereby aiming to significantly reduce energy demand in the buildings sector and contribute to reducing national greenhouse gas emissions (Article 17, paragraph 7).
Major Provisions
Article 17, paragraph 7